Polyphosphoric Acid is one of the most popular products among manufacturers, dealers, suppliers, traders, importers, distributors, and authorize dealers in India and UAE.
At Maha Automations, we distribute Polyphosphoric Acid.
Used widely as an analytical reagent in chemical industry.
Powerful dehydrating agent for organic synthesis.
It is used in production of acid phosphates and pharmaceuticals.
Intermediate for production of phosphate esters with high mono-ester content.
Polyphosphoric acid can be used as a catalyst during synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from urea and methanol.
It is widely employed as acylation and alkylation reagent in various reactions
It can be used as a catalyst in the synthesis of various aromatic ketones.
It may be used to prepare silica-supported polyphosphoric acid, an easy to handle, reusable heterogeneous catalyst.
Polyphosphoric acid may be used in the synthesis of aromatic sulfones, N-substituted amides and 4-aminobenzophenones.
Used as a catalyst and absorbent of ammonia during the synthesis of dimethyl carbonate (DMC).
Used as a solvent in the synthesis of hyperbranched polybenzoxazoles.
Maha Automations is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Polyphosphoric Acid in India and UAE. We offer a high-quality product that is perfect for a variety of applications. Our team is dedicated to providing the best possible service to our customers.
For The Purchase of Polyphosphoric Acid contact Maha Automations - info@mahaautomation.com

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